- 使用 cookiecutter 初始化一个项目结构
- 查看初始化项目里面的主要文件内容
- 对项目进行 git 初始化和内容提交
- 使用 poetry 初始化项目的 python 环境
- 使用 tox 自动化测试项目,检查初始化的项目有没有问题
初始化项目时,使用 cookiecutter 加载 项目模板 创建。 通过交互操作,可以选择使用的功能。
❯ cookiecutter https://github.com/pyloong/cookiecutter-pythonic-project
project_name [My Project]: example-etl
project_slug [example_etl]:
project_description [My Awesome Project!]: This is my first etl project.
author_name [Author]: test
author_email [test@example.com]: test@example.com
version [0.1.0]:
Select python_version:
1 - 3.10
2 - 3.11
Choose from 1, 2 [1]:
use_src_layout [y]:
use_poetry [y]:
use_docker [n]:
Select ci_tools:
1 - none
2 - Gitlab
3 - Github
Choose from 1, 2, 3 [1]:
init_skeleton [n]: y
然后使用 vscode 打开项目:
建议在项目开始的时候就初始化 git 仓库,并在后续及时提交功能修改。
git init
git config user.name test
git config user.email test@example.com
git commit -m "feat: init project."
在 IDE 中查看项目,可以看到目录结构如下:
❯ tree example_etl
├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── README.md
├── docs
│ └── development.md
├── pyproject.toml
├── src
│ └── example_etl
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── cmdline.py
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ └── settings.yml
│ └── log.py
├── tests
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── conftest.py
│ ├── settings.yml
│ ├── test_cmdline.py
│ ├── test_log.py
│ └── test_version.py
└── tox.ini
6 directories, 19 files
是项目的打包配置文件。文件前面 tool.poetry
中设置了项目的基本信息。 tool.poetry.dependencies
name = "example_etl"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "This is my first etl project."
readme = "README.md"
authors = ["test <test@example.com>"]
license = "MIT"
classifiers = [
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
python = "^3.10"
dynaconf = "^3.1.12"
click = "^8.1.3"
pylint = "^2.17.4"
isort = "^5.12.0"
pytest = "^7.3.1"
tox = "^4.5.2"
mkdocs = "^1.4.3"
mkdocs-material = "^8.5.11"
pytest-pylint = "^0.19.0"
pre-commit = "^3.3.2"
example_etl = "example_etl.cmdline:main"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
testpaths = "tests"
python_files = "tests.py test_*.py *_tests.py"
max-line-length = 120
是使用 click
"""Command line"""
import click
from click import Context
from example_etl import __version__
from example_etl.config import settings
from example_etl.log import init_log
help='Show version and exit.'
) # If it's true, it will override `settings.VERBOSE`
@click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Show more info.')
help='Enable debug.'
) # If it's true, it will override `settings.DEBUG`
def main(ctx: Context, version: str, verbose: bool, debug: bool):
"""Main commands"""
if version:
elif ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
if verbose:
settings.set('VERBOSE', True)
if debug:
settings.set('DEBUG', True)
def run():
"""Run command"""
import logging
import os
from logging.config import dictConfig
from example_etl.config import settings
os.makedirs(settings.LOGPATH, exist_ok=True)
def verbose_formatter(verbose: int) -> str:
"""formatter factory"""
if verbose is True:
return 'verbose'
return 'simple'
def update_log_level(debug: bool, level: str) -> str:
"""update log level"""
if debug is True:
level_num = logging.DEBUG
level_num = logging.getLevelName(level)
settings.set('LOGLEVEL', logging.getLevelName(level_num))
return settings.LOGLEVEL
def init_log() -> None:
"""Init log config."""
log_level = update_log_level(settings.DEBUG, str(settings.LOGLEVEL).upper())
log_config = {
"version": 1,
"disable_existing_loggers": False,
"formatters": {
'verbose': {
'format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s',
'simple': {
'format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s',
"handlers": {
"console": {
"formatter": verbose_formatter(settings.VERBOSE),
'level': 'DEBUG',
"class": "logging.StreamHandler",
'file': {
'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler',
'level': 'DEBUG',
'formatter': verbose_formatter(settings.VERBOSE),
'filename': os.path.join(settings.LOGPATH, 'all.log'),
'maxBytes': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 200, # 200M
'backupCount': '5',
'encoding': 'utf-8'
"loggers": {
'': {'level': log_level, 'handlers': ['console']},
是使用 dynaconf
从 settings
:这个在项目中是不会 git 追踪的,属于本地自定义配置<sys.prefix>/etc/example_etl/settings.yml
:操作系统外部配置文件。默认这个配置文件和项目默认配置文件的内容一致。- 使用
Configuration center.
Use https://www.dynaconf.com/
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from dynaconf import Dynaconf
_base_dir = Path(__file__).parent.parent
_settings_files = [
# All config file will merge.
Path(__file__).parent / 'settings.yml', # Load default config.
# User configuration. It will be created automatically by the pip installer .
_external_files = [
Path(sys.prefix, 'etc', 'example_etl', 'settings.yml')
settings = Dynaconf(
# Set env `EXAMPLE_ETL_FOO='bar'`,use `settings.FOO` .
settings_files=_settings_files, # load user configuration.
# environments=True, # Enable multi-level configuration,eg: default, development, production
load_dotenv=True, # Enable load .env
# env_switcher='EXAMPLE_ETL_ENV',
lowercase_read=False, # If true, can't use `settings.foo`, but can only use `settings.FOO`
includes=_external_files, # Customs settings.
base_dir=_base_dir, # `settings.BASE_DIR`
项目使用 poetry
在项目目录执行 poetry install -v
$ poetry install -v
Creating virtualenv example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10 in /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs
Using virtualenv: /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (7.5s)
Finding the necessary packages for the current system
Package operations: 52 installs, 1 update, 0 removals
• Installing six (1.16.0)
• Installing lazy-object-proxy (1.9.0)
• Installing markupsafe (2.1.2)
• Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2)
• Installing pyyaml (6.0)
• Installing typing-extensions (4.6.2)
• Installing wrapt (1.15.0)
• Installing astroid (2.15.5)
• Installing certifi (2023.5.7)
• Installing charset-normalizer (3.1.0)
• Installing click (8.1.3)
• Installing dill (0.3.6)
• Installing filelock (3.12.0)
• Installing exceptiongroup (1.1.1)
• Installing ghp-import (2.1.0)
• Installing idna (3.4)
• Installing distlib (0.3.6)
• Installing iniconfig (2.0.0)
• Installing isort (5.12.0)
• Installing jinja2 (3.1.2)
• Installing markdown (3.3.7)
• Installing mccabe (0.7.0)
• Installing mergedeep (1.3.4)
• Installing packaging (23.1)
• Installing platformdirs (3.5.1)
• Installing pyyaml-env-tag (0.1)
• Installing pluggy (1.0.0)
• Updating setuptools (67.7.2 -> 67.8.0)
• Installing tomli (2.0.1)
• Installing urllib3 (2.0.2)
• Installing tomlkit (0.11.8)
• Installing watchdog (3.0.0)
• Installing cachetools (5.3.1)
• Installing cfgv (3.3.1)
• Installing chardet (5.1.0)
• Installing colorama (0.4.6)
• Installing identify (2.5.24)
• Installing mkdocs (1.4.3)
• Installing mkdocs-material-extensions (1.1.1)
• Installing nodeenv (1.8.0)
• Installing pygments (2.15.1)
• Installing pylint (2.17.4)
• Installing pymdown-extensions (10.0.1)
• Installing pyproject-api (1.5.1)
• Installing pytest (7.3.1)
• Installing requests (2.31.0)
• Installing toml (0.10.2)
• Installing virtualenv (20.23.0)
• Installing dynaconf (3.1.12)
• Installing mkdocs-material (8.5.11)
• Installing pre-commit (3.3.2)
• Installing pytest-pylint (0.19.0)
• Installing tox (4.5.2)
Writing lock file
Installing the current project: example_etl (0.1.0)
然后执行 poetry shell
在使用 vscode 的时候,可以运行 Ctrl + Shift + p
打开指令,输入 > Python: Select Interpreter
$ tox
py310: install_deps> python -I -m pip install poetry
.pkg: install_requires> python -I -m pip install poetry-core
.pkg: _optional_hooks> python /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyproject_api/_backend.py True poetry.core.masonry.api
.pkg: get_requires_for_build_sdist> python /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyproject_api/_backend.py True poetry.core.masonry.api
.pkg: prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel> python /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyproject_api/_backend.py True poetry.core.masonry.api
.pkg: build_sdist> python /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyproject_api/_backend.py True poetry.core.masonry.api
py310: install_package_deps> python -I -m pip install 'click<9.0.0,>=8.1.3' 'dynaconf<4.0.0,>=3.1.12'
py310: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /private/tmp/example_etl/.tox/.tmp/package/1/example_etl-0.1.0.tar.gz
py310: commands[0]> poetry install -v
Using virtualenv: /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10
Installing dependencies from lock file
Finding the necessary packages for the current system
Package operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals, 53 skipped
• Installing astroid (2.15.5): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing identify (2.5.24): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing chardet (5.1.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing charset-normalizer (3.1.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing click (8.1.3): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing colorama (0.4.6): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing distlib (0.3.6): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing isort (5.12.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing jinja2 (3.1.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing idna (3.4): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing certifi (2023.5.7): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing iniconfig (2.0.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing lazy-object-proxy (1.9.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mkdocs-material (8.5.11): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing dynaconf (3.1.12): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mkdocs-material-extensions (1.1.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing markdown (3.3.7): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing packaging (23.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mergedeep (1.3.4): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mkdocs (1.4.3): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pre-commit (3.3.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing nodeenv (1.8.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing filelock (3.12.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mccabe (0.7.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing markupsafe (2.1.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pytest (7.3.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pytest-pylint (0.19.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing ghp-import (2.1.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pylint (2.17.4): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyyaml-env-tag (0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing requests (2.31.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing dill (0.3.6): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing platformdirs (3.5.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing exceptiongroup (1.1.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pygments (2.15.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyproject-api (1.5.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing cfgv (3.3.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing six (1.16.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing virtualenv (20.23.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyyaml (6.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing cachetools (5.3.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tomlkit (0.11.8): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tox (4.5.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing urllib3 (2.0.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing setuptools (67.8.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing toml (0.10.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing wrapt (1.15.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing typing-extensions (4.6.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pymdown-extensions (10.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing watchdog (3.0.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tomli (2.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pluggy (1.0.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
Installing the current project: example_etl (0.1.0)
py310: commands[1]> poetry run pytest tests
================================================================================================================================= test session starts =================================================================================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.10.11, pytest-7.3.1, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .tox/py310/.pytest_cache
rootdir: /private/tmp/example_etl
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: pylint-0.19.0
collected 10 items
tests/test_cmdline.py ..... [ 50%]
tests/test_exceptions.py . [ 50%]
tests/test_log.py ..... [ 91%]
tests/test_version.py . [100%]
================================================================================================================================== warnings summary ===================================================================================================================================
/Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py:121: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API
warnings.warn("pkg_resources is deprecated as an API", DeprecationWarning)
-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
============================================================================================================================ 10 passed, 1 warning in 0.01s ============================================================================================================================
py310: OK ✔ in 14.05 seconds
isort: install_deps> python -I -m pip install isort
isort: install_package_deps> python -I -m pip install 'click<9.0.0,>=8.1.3' 'dynaconf<4.0.0,>=3.1.12'
isort: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /private/tmp/example_etl/.tox/.tmp/package/2/example_etl-0.1.0.tar.gz
isort: commands[0]> isort . --check-only --diff
Skipped 1 files
isort: OK ✔ in 3.05 seconds
pylint: install_deps> python -I -m pip install poetry
pylint: install_package_deps> python -I -m pip install 'click<9.0.0,>=8.1.3' 'dynaconf<4.0.0,>=3.1.12'
pylint: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /private/tmp/example_etl/.tox/.tmp/package/3/example_etl-0.1.0.tar.gz
pylint: commands[0]> poetry install -v
Using virtualenv: /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10
Installing dependencies from lock file
Finding the necessary packages for the current system
Package operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals, 53 skipped
• Installing astroid (2.15.5): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing certifi (2023.5.7): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing cfgv (3.3.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing cachetools (5.3.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing dill (0.3.6): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing click (8.1.3): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing colorama (0.4.6): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing chardet (5.1.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing distlib (0.3.6): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing markdown (3.3.7): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing filelock (3.12.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing identify (2.5.24): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing idna (3.4): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing isort (5.12.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing charset-normalizer (3.1.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing dynaconf (3.1.12): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing markupsafe (2.1.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing ghp-import (2.1.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mergedeep (1.3.4): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing iniconfig (2.0.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mkdocs-material (8.5.11): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing nodeenv (1.8.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing exceptiongroup (1.1.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyproject-api (1.5.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pluggy (1.0.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing jinja2 (3.1.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyyaml-env-tag (0.1): Pending...
• Installing pymdown-extensions (10.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing packaging (23.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mccabe (0.7.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pytest-pylint (0.19.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyyaml (6.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pygments (2.15.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pymdown-extensions (10.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing packaging (23.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mccabe (0.7.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pytest-pylint (0.19.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyyaml (6.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pygments (2.15.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyyaml-env-tag (0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pymdown-extensions (10.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing packaging (23.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mccabe (0.7.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pytest-pylint (0.19.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyyaml (6.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pygments (2.15.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pylint (2.17.4): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tox (4.5.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing setuptools (67.8.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing platformdirs (3.5.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing toml (0.10.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing watchdog (3.0.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tomlkit (0.11.8): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mkdocs-material-extensions (1.1.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing typing-extensions (4.6.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing urllib3 (2.0.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing lazy-object-proxy (1.9.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing six (1.16.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tomli (2.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mkdocs (1.4.3): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing requests (2.31.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pytest (7.3.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing virtualenv (20.23.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing wrapt (1.15.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pre-commit (3.3.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
Installing the current project: example_etl (0.1.0)
pylint: commands[1]> poetry run pylint tests src
Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 10.00/10, +0.00)
.pkg: _exit> python /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/example-etl-B-7RVLBy-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyproject_api/_backend.py True poetry.core.masonry.api
py310: OK (14.05=setup[9.47]+cmd[3.84,0.75] seconds)
isort: OK (3.05=setup[2.67]+cmd[0.38] seconds)
pylint: OK (12.92=setup[7.86]+cmd[2.91,2.15] seconds)
congratulations :) (30.10 seconds)